Blogging at Midnight

Well, it’s actually past midnight, but yes, I missed my blog and wanted to write something before everyone thinks it died.

I’m not sure what I wrote about last time, but I think it was something to do with my busy summer. That transitioned into a busy fall. Surprised? Not really.

I have been experiencing this crazy new sensation of being to lazy to cook though. Eek! Seriously, it’s a love/hate thing right now. Once I get the knife in my hand and start chopping vegetables, I can literally feel happiness exuding from my body. Who does that? I know; I’m weird. However, I started a new job, have about an hour commute each way, leave before 6 am and when I get home I want to go workout or else it’s not happening. Yet, then I’m not done and showered until nearly 6:30 pm and I don’t want to spend an hour or more making something  delicious–like this one night two weeks ago where I had a craving for meatballs so I made these incredible meatballs over spaghetti squash but they weren’t ready until after 9 pm so I didn’t eat a single one that night. Yeah, it’s that kind of stuff that I’m not feeling.

About a week and a half ago, I slammed my ankle in my car door. I was in a hurry to get to working out and then proceeded to run 2.5 miles on it. Not smart, or wise, but it happened. Unfortunately, my ankle was swollen until the following Monday and today was the first day it wasn’t painful to sit, stand, or walk. Hooray It also gave me a nice week and 2 days to see how eating before 6 pm, like we used to, really does make a difference physically and emotionally. Not only is my stomach so much flatter, even without doing anything because of my ankle, but I can take the time and enjoy the process of creating a delicious meal and not feel like every minute is that much closer to bed time.

I was not a believer at all in weekend cooking. Honestly, I’m still not. Yet, I have found a lot of value in making ahead my basics for a week, like granola, on a Sunday night.

It’s also a lot harder to cook and eat healthy like this. I’m much more tempted to go out to eat now that I have been in over 2 years, the last time I started a new job. Maybe that’s me transitioning? I know it’s not forever, but I need to make more time to plan my meals again. That’s a pretty big hold up for me. I had a few years where I just fell into a pasta and rice rut because it was quick. After that, I decided I don’t like ruts and planned my meals for variety, experimentation, and enjoyment. If I don’t have a planned meal though, it will take me a while to decide on what to make–not because I can’t figure it out–but because I’m so indecisive it’ll take me a good hour just to figure out what I feel like. That does not include the time to make sure I have all the ingredients for what I feel like.

Alas, meal planning, is essential for me. Eating before 6 pm is now a luxury. And I need to be a better strategic planner to eat my 6 small meals a day because my lack of portion control has gotten unreal.

Alas x2, my laptop battery is about to go out and therefore this blog post must end abruptly. However, no worries friends, I am sure to figure out a solution for “business” and eating healthy and delicious meals while commuting, working full-time, and exercising. Once I find that holy grail, I’ll tell you so it can hopefully help you too. 🙂

Goodnight, moon.

2 thoughts on “Blogging at Midnight

  1. Ruby Burkholder says:

    I used to do “Once a Month Cooking” where you cooked meals to freeze. For a family of 5, I could stretch the meals out for 6 weeks.


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