PB&J’s and Feeling Like a Kid

When was the first time you realized you were independent and could buy whatever you wanted for your food? I still remember about a month or two after I first got married Continue reading

Desk Party and Strawberry Shortcake

Seriously, I am having a desk party for finally updating my site layout and content. Woo! This is certainly the nerdy side of me, but what can I say? The feeling of accomplishment mixed with anticipation to write about food again is pretty thrilling.  Continue reading

Fruity Scones

Recently, I had the pleasure of learning how to sew a skirt from an older friend that I like to refer to as Martha Stewart. She’s simply amazing when it comes to anything dealing with the home and knows how much I like to cook–more like slightly obsessed with cooking, but whatever. While we were creating something fabulous in the sewing room, she introduced me to a book titled, The Kitchen Counter Cooking School, by Kathleen Flinn, and I must say, I love it. I’ve never read a book about cooking before, yet the subject of the book caught my attention. Essentially, this lady went to a great cooking school and started teaching home cooks how to cook (yes, you just experienced my technical writing skills in summary). Even longer story short, I reflected that I’m kind of doing that with my friends now. Continue reading

First Time Baking Fail with a Candy-ing Success

Ever had confidence in something, someone, or a skill that you thought you possessed and then got a reality check that was totally humbling while also a tad humiliating? Well, good thing I like to laugh at myself or else last night would’ve been an epic fail of a dinner party. Continue reading

Boudin Cornbread

Y’all are gunna flip at this recipe. Especially if you’re like me and occasionally want to whip something together at 10pm just because you got in the mood. Continue reading

A Better Drop Biscuit

It was about two weekends ago when my husband and I decided to take a mini stay-cation (stay at home vacation). We only took one Saturday to ourselves, forgot the world, and mostly enjoyed each other, our home, and our dogs. We stayed in bed late, made brunch late, and were late to the party we’d agreed to go to that night. It was also a late day, but hey, it was a stay-cation! We’ve never done one before, but I must say, we rather enjoyed it. Continue reading

Chocolate Chunk and Toffee Pudding Cookies

So everyone likes chocolate chip cookies, I’m no exception; however, my mom’s been making chocolate chip pudding cookies since I was a kid and I have always thought those were the best ever. Regular chocolate chip cookies, eh, but my mom’s cookies–oh yes! Continue reading