My Blog’s Not Dead!

Has it been forever, or is that just me?

Y’all, I don’t even know what the last thing I posted about was, but let me tell you, this summer has been crazy. Beyond crazy. But also super awesome. So I guess I should briefly fill you in, and there’s inspiration for future posts in here too that I hope will be coming soon. The crazy season started in May Continue reading

Clean eating take 5

A consitent struggle I’m finding over the last 3 years is that I want to clean it, and do it as a life style, but then things come up (ie. Holidays, parties, hosting people at our house, etc). Our family and friends don’t necessarily want to convert to clean eating, and I’m not trying to convert anyone because there are party foods that taste great. Yet, after everything dies down do I usually choose fresh fruit or raw veggies? Heck no! I’ll have some of that leftover banana pudding, thank-you-very-much.

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Large Family Foods

Yay! I’m back!

With all my sporadic posting I’m sure some people thought I wouldn’t be doing this much, or typical for a first time blogger. Shoot, I even wondered myself at one point if I’d have the time for this, but then I got in the mood to cook, the mood to write, the mood to be creative, and I was like, “Oh, yeah, this blog will survive.” Continue reading

PB&J’s and Feeling Like a Kid

When was the first time you realized you were independent and could buy whatever you wanted for your food? I still remember about a month or two after I first got married Continue reading

My First Food Crawl

It seems pretty clear that I like food, quite a lot in fact. So it should really come as no surprise to tell my readers that I went on a food crawl for my birthday.  Continue reading

Desk Party and Strawberry Shortcake

Seriously, I am having a desk party for finally updating my site layout and content. Woo! This is certainly the nerdy side of me, but what can I say? The feeling of accomplishment mixed with anticipation to write about food again is pretty thrilling.  Continue reading

3rd Attempt and a Meal Plan

This is my third attempt to try to write a blog post today. I realize it’s been a while since I’ve written one, which is why I’m forcing myself to write now. Honestly, over the last week I did not follow my meal plan, Continue reading

Meal Plan 4/13-4/19

I need a creative break. I love my job(s) that allow me to be creative and technical all at the same time, but sometimes I just want to think about the good things in life, like food. I haven’t written a post in a while because I haven’t felt like I’ve made anything good lately. This, of course, isn’t true. What is true is that I’ve been so busy the good things I made didn’t get pictures or a second thought for blogging until now. A few highlights since my last post:  Continue reading

Fruity Scones

Recently, I had the pleasure of learning how to sew a skirt from an older friend that I like to refer to as Martha Stewart. She’s simply amazing when it comes to anything dealing with the home and knows how much I like to cook–more like slightly obsessed with cooking, but whatever. While we were creating something fabulous in the sewing room, she introduced me to a book titled, The Kitchen Counter Cooking School, by Kathleen Flinn, and I must say, I love it. I’ve never read a book about cooking before, yet the subject of the book caught my attention. Essentially, this lady went to a great cooking school and started teaching home cooks how to cook (yes, you just experienced my technical writing skills in summary). Even longer story short, I reflected that I’m kind of doing that with my friends now. Continue reading

First Time Baking Fail with a Candy-ing Success

Ever had confidence in something, someone, or a skill that you thought you possessed and then got a reality check that was totally humbling while also a tad humiliating? Well, good thing I like to laugh at myself or else last night would’ve been an epic fail of a dinner party. Continue reading