Recipe Testers Needed!

To be fair, you’ll probably be a bit more than a recipe tester.

This weekend I had the pleasure of helping a dear friend bake her first cake. From the other side of the country. Via FaceTime.

I can honestly say it was one of the best moments I’ve had in 2018 so far, or at least in my top 10 and we’ve had more than 10 days pass. 😉

The experience of helping her bake, plus the idea I’ve had rolling around in my head (thank you, Jesus for divine inspiration), is pushing me to make this PSA and ask for help.

It’s a little crazy, but my husband and I are going through several major life changes right now and I am already preparing myself that our menu is going to have to change. However, as I talk with friends, I’ve found a common thread among many of my working mom friends, commuters, or party-of-one playmates that is hard to ignore any longer.

Bottom line: I have to do something for my family that is going to be a big change and I want to invite others to join me who may be interested.

Basically, I don’t like routine in my menus. I like being healthy. I need to figure out a way to cut costs. I recognize my time is about to become significantly limited. Yet, I like planning my meals, going to a good produce section or farmer’s market is my happy place, and I’m committed to finding, or creating, something that will work for my lifestyle for the next 3 years.

So here’s the plan, or well, the part of the plan that is formed–I’m proposing a 35 day meal challenge that seeks to do three things:
1. Promote a healthier diet
2. Doesn’t take a lot of time for tired and time constrained adults
3. Intentionally cuts costs and spreads meals as far as they can be spread to eliminate waste

This will not be just a 35 day dinner meal plan though, because my family actually likes to eat a few times a day, it will provide breakfast and dinner with the dinner intentionally making enough to have lunch the following day. On top of simply planning and listing the meals, I’d like to also provide a grocery list for the meals, 2 weeks at a time, so that you can grocery shop once every two weeks with everything planned out for you and also have the title of what you’ll be cooking over the next two weeks.

Sounds exciting, right?! Who wants to volunteer to test this with me?

If you do volunteer, I will require a few things from you.
1. I will need your email address and for you to fill out a survey before we begin.
2. Commitment to testing with me for at least 2 weeks. I prefer the full 35 days for ongoing and continuous feedback, but I will take a 2 week commitment.
3. Responding to short surveys or providing feedback frequently (think daily or every 2-3 days). It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate, I just want to make sure I’m on the right track and don’t end up with “good” or “eh” when I ask at the end how it went.

That’s really all I’m asking from my meal plan/recipe testers but also understand some people may not want to commit to the full 2 weeks or 35 days. While, I will be sending the grocery lists to my recipe testers, I will only provide the recipes one day at a time on my blog for anyone else who may just want to cook what we’re cooking. I welcome feedback on the recipes themselves too and would love for you to join me for any part of this journey.

If you’re interested and can keep the commitments listed above, please email me at with the subject line: Interested Recipe Tester for Cajun Cravings

In the body of the email please include the answers to the following:
Why I’m Interested:
What’s Currently In My Fridge:

I look forward to cooking with you!


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